Here's Ollie looking for a good spot to start a sand castle.
Link getting started on digging the moat. He actually really got into digging and the moat looked more like a drunken path that stretched for about 10 yards.
Jake and me enjoying the warm sun.
Seriously, this is why dogs are superior to cats, they let you make them into sand turtles.
My barefoot architects working on the positioning of Castle Lupton.
The hole Daddy dug. It was fun to sit in although I needed a crane to lift my enormous body out.
The hole also had this nice built in feature, a slide, complete with pocket filling sand everytime you went down it.
At the end of the day we filled up the hole and trucked everything back to the car. Before leaving Seaside we stopped at Bell Buoy Seafood Market and found some smoked oysters and fresh crab to take home for dinner.