Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Swim Lessons

These are photos from Oliver's swim lesson this summer. These are all before the purchase of the "miracle swim goggles" which will make you not afraid of the water, give you the ability to sit on the bottom of the pool and give you the courage to try what the teacher wants you to actually do.


Swimming with his eyes closed. Helps to cut down on the wiping of water from his eyes.

He's actually a really good back and front floater.

Closed eyes again.

Some weird swim stroke he made up.

Good baby waiting for big brother.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Getting four kids to sit still for a photo...herding cats...same difference.

gif animator


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Here's what dinner can look like around our house. On the menu is gaulosh, nice orangey saucey gaulosh.

And then he took is hands and ran them through his hair a few times just for good measure. He must have wanted to smell like a tomato.

Here's Ollie with his new best friend, his goggles. They've made a world of difference in swim lessons and I'll try to post some pictures soon.

And Ollie took our picture just so you don't forget how we look.