Monday, March 22, 2010

Every Boy Should Have a Dog

They're the best of friends.

Bubble Sneak Attack

Ollie is known for his love of "sneak attacks" where you can point to something and say 'hey what's that over there?' He'll look and as soon as he does Jacob will tickle him under the neck and say 'sneak attack'.

As we were on the porch yesterday playing with the bubble machine he saw Brad and chased after him saying "SNEAK ATTACK"! Brad is such a good neighbor.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010


Ollie road his first carnival rides last weekend. A little obscure carnival had setup in the Eagles parking lot this past week and after a few drive-bys we thought "hey why not"? We were concerned he might be scared of them so we talked all week about the rollercoasters, the airplanes and if he thought they were scary. No way, he was amped to go. So we took him and the airplane was the first ride... HUGE smiles the whole time.

I love that Jacob had to cross his legs to fit into this dragon roller coaster and even then the bar wouldn't lock down to keep him safely in the ride.

And this last ride schooled both of them in centrifugal force. That's Ollie holding on but crushing Jake's side. He's a good daddy.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

28 Weeks

Here's a photo for all of you who are far away, I'm ONLY 28 weeks! I really can't believe how big this child is going to be, he's already measuring a week early and I'm sure he'll be well over 10 lbs. by the end of it all.

I've been feeling pretty good although my energy level takes a nose dive at about 6pm and finding a comfortable sleeping position has been difficult despite having enough pillows on the bed for a small sleepover party.

Wish me luck in making it the next 13 weeks!

Sauvie Island Beach

On Saturday we took our friend Marley to the Sauvie Island Beach about 20 minutes away. Marley is so much fun to hang out with. She really gets into whatever you are doing and I bet she's going to be a real tomboy as I've seen her play just as hard as the boys at school. She's also very sweet and even though the afternoon went well past her nap she showed no signs of slowing down.

Jacob always lets out a laugh when he sees Marley's backpack in any of our pictures. He says it looks like it's having just as good a time as the kids.

This is the only time Link stood still that afternoon. It's a very rare photo.

On the otherhand Jacob was in this position for most of the time.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Evergreen Clematis

The Evergreen Clematis we planted in front of the porch last year really took off and I'm so happy it's as tall as the arbor section, that's over 12 feet. The flowers started blooming this week and Ollie picked some for me this morning. They smell so sweet.