Monday, April 26, 2010

35 Weeks

Well, here I am at 35 weeks. We had an ultrasound last week just to see how things are cooking. Turns out there is still only one baby in there. What's really going on is I've been diagnosed with Polyhydramnios - excess amniotic fluid. He basically has a nice little indoor pool to swim around in. Before anyone gets too freaked out by that large word - Polyhydramnios - just know that we ruled out all the possible causes. We had an amnio done early on in the pregnancy so we know there are no genetic problems, I don't have gestational diabetes (although I'm getting a second test done just for fun), no heart or kidney defects, and he doesn't have a cleft palette. So in short I'm just that 1 out of 100 women who develops this for some unknown reason. There are some things you can do about the fluid but since I'm so close to the end the risks really out weigh the benefits - basically my comfort. My doctor said it's like I'm having twins, I said I feel like I'm having twins! During the 34th week ultrasound he measured like he was 39 weeks developed, a full month ahead. He also weighed in around 7' 14 ounces. He'll be gaining another 2 lbs by the time we have the Cesarean. I don't know why but Jacob and I just make large babies.

I'm really uncomfortable now and sleeping is the worst because everything aches. I wake up with muscle pains every hour because my body is pulling this way and that. But to tell you the truth I look at it this way. This is my last pregnancy, I'll never feel a little baby growing and kicking inside me again. I'll miss the little hiccups that feel like uncontrolable ticks, I'll miss the feeling that I'm not completely alone. I cherish the roundness of my belly, it will never look like this again. I'm amazed my body is going through all these changes naturally and I love it. I'm making mental notes of how incredible this is as I won't be here again. It's a feeling of knowing your right in the middle of something fantastic and you don't want to ever forget how it feels.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Montessori Activities

These photos are for Papa Lupton, THANKS SO MUCH!
Some activities from school.

Drawing a whale with a baby inside.

Working with solid geometry shapes (Ollie's on the right).

Counting rods matched with the correct numbers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tulip Festival

Last weekend we traveled to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm with our good friends Brad, Annie & Maggie. Here's some photos from our day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Morning

Ollie actually offered to go to bed early the night before Easter, he was so excited that the easter bunny was going to come visit us. Unfortunately neither Jacob or myself had the energy that whole week to be prepared for the easter bunny and I ended up setting my alarm clock for an early morning visit to the grocery store in search of easter goodies. While at the store Jacob texted me to let me know the boy was awake and to be extra stealthy when coming home. Luckily I drove up and the curtains were still drawn as I tossed eggs around the yard, hid a chocolate bunny and one battery powered peter cottontail riding a carrot airplane. When I walked in the house I told Ollie that the easter bunny had just left and within seconds he jumped into his boots and coat. As we walked around the lawn looking for eggs Jacob and I had the biggest smiles on our faces, nobody really tells you how awesome these days are or maybe you just don't get it until you are in the thick of it. Times like these where you are creating memories with your family are incredible.

Monday, April 5, 2010


We were lucky enough to have Grandma & Grandpa Stiles visit us last week. They were so happy to spend time with Oliver and enjoyed spoiling him. The visit was filled with a baby shower, texas hold 'em night, cartoon watching, bead shopping in Seattle, swimming and lots of love. We miss them already and can't wait to see them in June after the baby is born.

Here's us enjoying Thai food in Seattle.