Monday, October 25, 2010

Sleep crusher

Last week we moved Leo from our bedroom into his own crib.  He's now sharing Oliver's room and although the room is smaller from adding a crib Oliver loves having the baby in his room.

Don't be fooled by Leo's little happy face, at night he turns into a raging screaming sleep crusher who insists on waking at least 4 times a night.  I'm not sure why this is happening, babies are finicky that way.  If he'd just stop napping all day and learn how to talk we could get to the bottom of this. 

1 comment:

  1. Courtney FitzpatrickOctober 28, 2010 at 9:19 AM

    Sure is a precious little sleep crusher! The cute ones are always the loudest - they were designed that way, so that we don't give them away! Hope Ollie is a hearty sleeper, so he's enjoying his new squishy little rommie! xo
